Empowering New Managers to Coach and Lead
The key to your future is developing new leaders who are more than task managers; they should be leaders who inspire and develop others. However, transitioning into a managerial role requires a fundamental shift in mindset. New managers must move beyond task delegation and embrace the role of coach and leader. Senior leaders are often the catalysts to guide this transformation. Let's delve into key strategies.

Key Strategies for New Manager Success
1. Articulate the "Why" of their Role
Managers who can articulate their "why" to build trust with others faster. According to Harvard Business Review, organizations that can clarify “why” build trust with a clear sense of purpose and outperform the market by 400%. Help new managers connect their teams to the organization's overarching purpose. Facilitate discussions about how their team's contributions align with broader organizational goals and impact. Just as Jesus emphasized purpose over self-preservation, new managers must understand how their team contributes to the larger mission.
Put it into practice: Instead of assigning a project or task, take 2 minutes and explain how it contributes to the company's mission. Remote teams can utilize tools like loom to help.
2. Transition to a Coach:
Gallup shows that 70% of employee engagement depends on the manager's ability to coach and develop. Managers who can coach become the competitive advantage in your culture. The mindset shift from boss to coach requires humility and prioritizing the development of others.
Put it into practice: Instead of giving direct instructions, ask open-ended questions like "What challenges are you facing with this task?" or "What ideas do you have to overcome this obstacle?"
3. Prioritize Growth Now that you’ve promoted a new leader help them define 3-4 key growth areas and then help them grow. Recently, LinkedIn published that 94% of employees say they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. Put it into practice: Assist your new manager in crafting a development plan that includes taking an online course (we prefer GiantOS), developing peer-to-peer learning environments, and finding a mentor/coach.
4. Cultivate Safety: Invest in helping leaders develop psychologically safe teams. Teams with psychological or emotional safety are twice as likely to meet a challenging goal. A recent Harvard study shared that a team’s psychological safety was the key to multiplying impact. Put it into practice: When a manager makes a mistake, focus on finding solutions and learning points rather than assigning blame. (We're big fans of Pete Scazzero's work in this area.)
5. Foster Kind Candor:
Your ability to model clear feedback and communicate organizationally will result in 50% lower turnover rates (SHRM). Be open, honest, and willing to listen and watch its impact on your team.
Put it into practice: During a performance review, balance praise with specific, actionable feedback for improvement, and listen to what your manager says.
6. Delegate Strategically:
High-performing teams have managers skilled in strategic delegation, but don’t forget that first part—high-performing teams. Don’t put new managers over underperforming teams and expect miracles to happen unless you’ve communicated the goal and given the manager the full authority to make changes. Most delegation leaves managers frustrated because their team’s skills do not match the expectations of the superior.
Put it into practice: Before promoting a manager, ensure their supporting cast is competent enough to achieve your desired results.
7. Celebrate Wins and Recognize Effort:
Now, more than ever, managers need to be celebrated. A Forbes study shows that 69% of employees put forth more effort at work. Help managers recognize both significant milestones and smaller achievements. Acknowledge effort, progress, and the learning process to reinforce a growth mindset within the team.
Put it into practice: Call out smaller achievements during team meetings or send an appreciative email after someone goes above and beyond.
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